Rx to Px — Series Finale: Will an Experience-First Approach Lead to Better Outcomes?

In our current turmoil-driven world of health, in the so-called Age of Experience, will an Experience-First approach to healthcare give us better health outcomes?

Reimagining our health encounters

This is the finale of this series on Patient eXperience — series on moving from “Rx to Px” (prescription to experience).

  1. Part I of this series on “Rx to Px” (Prescription to Patient eXperience), discussed how telemedicine and remote care delivery is transforming our day-to-day experience at doctors’ offices.
  2. Part II of “Rx to Px” (Going Beyond the Surgery for Better Outcomes) we looked at patient experience from surgical procedure to recovery — on how our health system can go beyond surgery, improve patient experience, and consequently ensure better recoveries.
  3. Part III of “Rx to Px” (Reimagining Our Medicine Cabinet Experience) considered improving the Px (Patient eXperience) for classic prescription meds (“scripts”).

Encounters Shaping Us

In this series, we’ve looked at how office visits, surgeries, and our own experience at our personal medicine cabinets could be different. These some of our main touchpoints to the healthcare we get and affect our experience and outcomes.

A quick look at the volume of these interactions in the US:

This series looked at how we could reimagine these “encounters” using a combination of:

A summary infographic on the possibilities to reimagine the voluminous encounters we have with our healthcare is below — clearly an optimistic look how our millions of yearly touchpoints can be experientially-enhanced.

Quality of Experience vs. Quality of Care

Our historical approaches to caring has centered on safety and efficacy — the design-center of utility.

Lately a slow march towards experience-centric design has begun.

This will demand us to look the services we deliver with a view to longer-term outcome measues that go beyond the simplistic ones. Such as:

“person walks pain free in 90 days”, “person is alive after 30 days”. Metrics such as DALY (disabilty-adjusted-life-years), or specifics on functional recovery years after a major surgery like a knee replacement.

Does that mean we’ll design healthcare services with an ExperienceFirst mindset like product-firms that excel at delivering experiences? Perhaps, as we rethink how we achieve outcomes across the various dimensions shown below.

Experience-First Approach to Health Services Design

We could bridge the chasm between cures, care delivery, and outcomes by merging Rx and Px.

Great Expectations Beget Better Outcomes?

An unfortunate public health emergency has “broken through the trust barrier between patients and providers…for remote care delivery”. Telemedicine acceptance and policy push behind it are real for patients and the ecosystem of care delivery.

Our Expectations — Transformed

More than anything — more than technologies, more than data — we are dealing with new expectations. Those expectations from us as patients will impact how we design programs, deliver them, and get paid.

Will public policies drive how we distribute money across services? E.g. Visits (physical, virtual, synchronous, asynchronous), surgery vs. recovery management, meds bundled in programs vs. provided standalone?

At Plethy, we are looking forward to seizing the moment with the industry and our customers and partners.

— — * — — * — —

Checkout Plethy for how empowered, continuous care can be delivered for surgical episodes of care.

Published By Cerebrus

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.

Hari Harikrishnan

Hari Harikrishnan

Digital Business Transformer
As a digital business executive, Hari is passionate about creating and modernizing businesses by infusing data and technology in product and service portfolios. Hari has led businesses from startups to enterprise incubations to Fortune 100 business divisions.

Hari has commercialized numerous products and services in industries ranging from healthcare to high-tech to manufacturing. His career spans leadership roles in general management, product, marketing, services, and strategy.

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